Merienda at Sunburst Fried Chicken

Sunburst Fried Chicken Cebu- chick' n crackers regular P178-001
I was so hungry since I didn’t eat anything at the lounge in the airport. It was already 5:00 pm and we wanted something near and fast  so we went to Ayala Center after dropping off our luggage at the Marriott Hotel.

Sunburst Fried Chicken was recommended by a friend who used to live in Cebu. She said I just had to try their fried chicken skin. So why not, coconut?
Sunburst Fried Chicken Cebu

They managed to stay open since 1971 so it must be good.
Sunburst Fried Chicken Cebu-001

The interiors looks nice enough for a casual dining restaurant. The floors were very greasy and slippery though.
Sunburst Fried Chicken Cebu-002

Sunburst Fried Chicken Cebu-003

The fried squid was very tender and quite flavorful although it had a very oily aftertaste. I don’t really know why we ordered fried calamares when we were going to order two more fried dishes.
Sunburst Fried Chicken Cebu- calamares P238
calamares P238

My first comment was, “why top fried chicken skin with fried potato chips?” Not enough oil, fat and cholesterol? Anyway, the fried chicken skin was just as good as you can imagine. There’s nothing really better and more sinful than eating fried chicken skin. No need to fight over a little piece of skin on your chicken. No chicken to finish just to get to the best part. I loved, loved it but to be honest I couldn’t eat more than 3 pieces. I felt too guilty already.
Sunburst Fried Chicken Cebu- chick' n crackers regular P178
chick’ n crackers regular P178

I’m not a big liver eater unless it’s in the form of pâté. But it was highly recommended so we ordered it. True enough it was good. There were even some gizzard mixed in.
Sunburst Fried Chicken Cebu- liver P171
liver P171

I still can’t believe my first meal in Cebu City was a fried food extravaganza.
Sunburst Fried Chicken Cebu- fried food galore
fried food galore

The coleslaw was unlike any coleslaw I’ve ever tried. The cabbage was finely chopped, the dressing was watery and sweet. In short I didn’t like it. But oddly when eaten together with the fried chicken skin it tasted better. Somehow the two complemented each other.
Sunburst Fried Chicken Cebu- coleslaw P89
coleslaw P89

Eric had the fried skin with chicken attached. He said it was just ok.
Sunburst Fried Chicken Cebu- sunny solo ribkeel P99
sunny solo ribkeel P99

Rizette had the healthiest choice.
Sunburst Fried Chicken Cebu- pancit molo P70
pancit molo P70

This was probably our most expensive meal in Cebu considering it was just merienda. It was an unusual experience and one I don’t regret.
Sunburst Fried Chicken Cebu-012

Welcome to Cebu!!! Let the eating begin.
Sunburst Fried Chicken Cebu-013

Sunburst Fried Chicken menu (Cebu)
Sunburst Fried Chicken menu

Sunburst Fried Chicken menu (Cebu)-001

Sunburst Fried Chicken menu (Cebu)-002

Sunburst Fried Chicken menu (Cebu)-003

Sunburst Fried Chicken menu (Cebu)-004

Sunburst Fried Chicken menu (Cebu)-005

Sunburst Fried Chicken
Level 2, The Terraces
Ayala Center
Cebu City
telephone: 232-2305, 233-9271, 233-9275

9 thoughts on “Merienda at Sunburst Fried Chicken

  1.  To enjoy the fried chicken, you should make a dip by mixing Worcestershire sauce and tomato ketchup! I’m from Cebu and that’s how Cebuanos eat it. 🙂


  2. This dining experience is the one you don’t regret but hey, if I go back to Cebu I wouldn’t try it there. Heehee! I saw it a lot when I was still in Cebu– good thing I didn’t try it there.


  3. i dont like the taste sunbust the taste like sebo using reuse oil i would not come back  its better to eat at jolibee or lechon zubuchon and cnt lechon the best


  4. Welcome to Cebu! Hope you have an awesome gastronomic adventure here! Hope you’d also check out places from my blogs list (Cebu Secret Chows). :DBabe for Food – your BFF in Cebu dining! :)


  5. hey les!matching pa kayo in the pic :-)best chicken skin chicharon for me was that of Bonanza Resto (from the 1960s)…remember college days i’d have it sometimes? before it closed  😦


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