Corison Winery and Cakebread Cellars

We visited two more wineries in Napa Valley before going back to San Francisco. The first stop was Corison Winery where we were greeted by this friendly labrador. Kit took this picture on his cellphone. We sat there playing with the dog for a few minutes before going in the winery. I could have stayedContinue reading “Corison Winery and Cakebread Cellars”

Oxbow Public Market

I’m not an “ice cream” kind of girl. I’m more of the “coffee and cookies” type. After lunch at Morimoto, we went to Oxbow Public Market for my coffee from Ritual Roasters. I only wanted coffee but Kit knew my weakness for anything ‘chocolate orange‘ and he let me try the ice cream he bought.Continue reading “Oxbow Public Market”

Ritual Coffee Roasters at Oxbow Public Market

One of San Francisco’s most popular coffee roasters, Ritual Coffee Roasters, had a branch in Oxbow Public Market in Napa Valley and I insisted that we go try it. They sold a lot of merchandise for coffee making. I saw an Aeropress, several Hario equipment (including the Buono kettle which I’ve been eyeing), Technivorm MoccamasterContinue reading “Ritual Coffee Roasters at Oxbow Public Market”

Lunch at Morimoto, Napa

On my second and last day in Napa I chose to eat at Morimoto since my cousin Sidney and Mary couldn’t stop raving about the food there. There were so many excellent restaurants in Napa but I really wanted to try Morimoto since Masaharu Morimoto is my all-time favorite Iron Chef for both the JapaneseContinue reading “Lunch at Morimoto, Napa”

Dinner at Bouchon Bistro

My first day in Napa Valley was spent eating in all of Thomas Keller’s restaurants in Yountville. My ultimate dream and goal is to eat at French Laundry but since I’m too cheap to shell out $300+ for a meal I was happy enough to try Keller’s other establishments starting with lunch at Addendum, pastriesContinue reading “Dinner at Bouchon Bistro”

Chateau Montelena Winery

Going to Napa Valley wouldn’t be complete without visiting a few wineries even though I can’t drink alcohol until my diet is over. Not that I love wine either. But I don’t mind having a couple of glasses of gewürztraminer with my meal. Kit’s a wine aficionado and he chose the wineries we went to. IContinue reading “Chateau Montelena Winery”

Bouchon Bakery, Yountville

I’ve never been to the United States during fall season. Even though I arrived mid November I’m glad I was still able to see the beautiful colors of the foliage in Yountville. I love pastries and any kind of baked goods and that’s one of the reasons for my being overweight. I really wanted toContinue reading “Bouchon Bakery, Yountville”